Friday, October 21, 2016

Manage Data Between Multiple Installations of GMS – using Dropbox

First, understand that the send/receive data process of your location installation of GMS is a complete overwrite of data. GMS does not sync the data changes between installations - it is a complete over-write.

Ideally, you will only make changes on one of the GMS installations. Then, you can use that “source” GMS to populate data in the other installation(s). These instructions will show you how to utilize Dropbox as a “middle-man” between users and installations.

If you choose to allow changes on more than one installation, you will need to strictly coordinate updates.

**Note - This does not pertain to the Fieldmaster sync process, which also uses Dropbox, but syncs only the changes made in the field. For more information about the Fieldmaster product, visit

Understanding and setting up Dropbox

·         Create an account with

·         Choose to install/download the app to your computer.

This will create a Dropbox folder on your computer that will automatically sync to your Dropbox account online when you are connected to the internet. Optionally, you can move the location of the Dropbox folder on your computer by going to Preferences/Accounts.

Create shared folder for you and any other GMS users to work with the same files.
Create a new folder in your account on Name it something like “GMSbackups”.

Hover over the new folder and click the Share button. Choose” Invite people to collaborate”


When you add people to the folder, its files will appear in their Dropbox as they do in yours. This means that when you have GMS generate and create a Send Data file in your Dropbox folder, everyone has access to the update automatically. There’s no need to use a USB device or email versions back and forth.

Once the Dropbox folder is created and shared, you can begin the send data.

Sending GMS Data using Dropbox

Choose System Settings from the main GMS Menu

Choose GMS Utility

Choose the Send Data button under File Transfer Utilities section and select Yes when prompted to Verify Send Data

Choose your Dropbox folder as the destination folder

Receiving GMS Data using Dropbox:

Choose System Settings from the main GMS Menu

Choose GMS Utility

Choose the Receive Data button under File Transfer Utilities section and select Yes when prompted to Verify Get Data 

Navigate to your local Dropbox folder and choose the most recent data file. Select Open and GMS will move that file to a temporary location for the next step. Answer Yes and OK to following prompts. 

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